Quick Facts


Established: 1987, moved to the New University Building in 2015
Serving: Serves Sunway University and Sunway College and years 11-12 of Sunway International School. 
Mission: To provide a comprehensive and inclusive research, teaching and learning ecosystem at Sunway Library that encompasses resources, services, space, and engagement for academic excellence.
Quality Initiative: Accredited to ISO9001:2015
Area: Three levels: 72,000 sq. ft
(31 Dec 2023)

25,241 students, 886 academicians and 333 admin

Seating: 1,266 users at any one time
Usage (2023) 1,337,942  entries (138,754 unique entries)
47,044 loans of physical items
3,129,170 electronic articles downloaded
426,604 e-Books downloaded
156,866 e-Textbooks downloaded
  Library Staff
Number: 32 professional, technical and other support staff
Graduate staff: 21 graduate staff 

Library Collection

Library Collection
(As at 30 December 2024)

Print Books: 112,268 152,106 
E-Books: 263,710 263,711 
Print Serials (Individual titles + Bound Serials + Annual Reports):   1,867 7,101
E-Journals: 86,074  86,074 
E-Databases (Subscribed + Open Access): 220 220
Audiovisual Items (DVDs + Sound recordings): 8,798    12,200   
Streaming Videos (Proquest Academic Videos Subscribed Database): 70,000 70,000
E-Dissertations & Theses: (Proquest Dissertations & Theses Subscribed Database): 1,000,000   1,000,000

Services and Facilities

The Tun Hussein Onn Sunway Library is fully automated since July 1999.
- The Library system is called "SirsiDynix Symphony ".
- "Library Catalogue" (Library's OPAC: Online Public Access
Catalogue), is web-based.
- Discovery service, SearchAll
- Facial Recognition

- Loan Services
- Library orientation and tours
- Information Skills workshops
- Help Desk
- DocDel (document delivery) services
- Access to e-databases from within and outside the campus
- Renewals & Reservations Online: from within and outside the campus
- Academic Language Learning Service (ALLS)
- Homepage
- Shelf guides online
- Library and subject guides
- Exam papers online
- FAQs online
- Online listing of new titles added monthly
- Online tutorials
- Online reading lists
- Research Workshops and Consultation Services for PGRs
Access to Electronic Resources From Other Universities  

Access For Victoria University Students
- E-databases from Victoria University Australia
- Online exam papers







- Computer facilities: 115 wired PCs for assignments and surfing.
- Instructional Lab
- Printing (4 printers)
- Wireless access in the Library.
- Viewing Zone: to view DVDs and Blue-rays for coursework or leisure.
- Training Room 1 & 2 (Both sound-proofed).
+ Both can be reserved for group viewing.
- Conference Room
- Collaborative Areas
- Group Project Pods
- Silent Zone
- CCTV to protect users and library collection
- Self-checkout machines
- Book-drop for self check-in/return
- Extended Hour Study Area
- Postgraduate Hub
- Sunway Education Archive

Document no.

WP/016 Issue 12     6 Jan 2024