The Harvard citation style does not have source document listing out how the various types of sources are to be cited in the Reference List. This guide is based on a wide range of Harvard guides available online.

To view how sources are cited in Harvard style, you may click on the tabs to know more.




Corporate Author Year, Full title of annual report, Publisher, Place of Publication.


Corporate Author Year, Full title of annual report, viewed Day Month Year, URL

Source Type Reference List Examples In-text Citation
Printed Sunway Construction 2016, Annual report 2016, Sunway Construction Group Berhad, Selangor.

(Sunway Construction 2016)

Sunway Construction (2016) 

Electronic Woolworths Limited 2015, Annual report 2015, viewed 10 December 2015,

(Woolworths Limited 2015 )

As stated by Woolworths Limited (2015) ….


Journal Article


Author Surname, Initials Year of Publication, ‘Title of article’, Title of Journal (capitalize each unique word), Volume number, issue number, page numbers.


Author Surname, Initials Year of Publication, ‘Title of article’, Title of Journal (capitalize each unique word), Volume number, issue number, page numbers, (online Name of database).

Source Type Reference List Examples In-text Citation
In Online Database such as Academic Search Complete, Emerald Insight. Haileye, H 2013, ‘Psychopathological correlates of child sexual abuse: the case of female students in Jimma zone, South West Ethiopia’, Ethiopian Journal of Health Sciences, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 32-38, (online Academic Search Complete).

(Haileye  2013)

As described by Haileye (2013)…

Kahn, H, Stevenson, JE & Roslender, R 2010, ‘Workforce health as intellectual capital: a comparative study of UK accounting and finance and human resource directors’, Journal of Human Resource Costing & Accounting, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 227-250, (online Emerald Insight).

(Kahn, Stevenson & Roslender 2010)

Kahn, Stevenson and Roslender (2010) suggested

In a Scholarly Journal (Print) Laing, J & Frost, W 2010, ‘How green was my festival: exploring challenges and opportunities associated with staging green events’, International Journal of Hospitality Management, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 261-267.

(Laing & Frost 2010)

It is suggested by Laing and Frost (2010)…


Magazine Article


Author Surname, Initials Year of Publication, ‘Title of article’, Title of Magazine (capitalize each unique word), day and month Published, page numbers.


Author Surname, Initials Year of Publication, ‘Title of article’, Title of Magazine (capitalize each unique word), day and month Published, viewed date, URL

Source Type Reference List Examples In-text Citation
In a Magazine (Print) Kaplan, DA 2010, ‘Corporate America’s no.1 gun for hire’, Fortune, 1 November, pp. 81-95.

(Kaplan 2010)

It is commented by Kaplan (2010).

In a Magazine (Online) Ferguson, CJ 2012, ‘Sandy Hook shooting: video games blamed, again’, Time, 20 December, viewed 7 March 2014,

(Ferguson 2012)

As concluded by Ferguson (2012)…

In a Magazine without Author (Online) ‘Where angels no longer fear to tread’ 2008, The Economist, 19 March, viewed 7 March 2014, Science has decided to explain the existence of religion (‘Where angels no longer fear to tread’ 2008).


Newspaper Article


Author Surname, Initials Year of Publication, ‘Title of article’, Title of Newspaper (capitalize each unique word), day and month published, page numbers.


Author Surname, Initials Year of Publication, ‘Title of article’, Title of Newspaper (capitalize each unique word), day and month published, page numbers, viewed date, URL

Source Type Reference List Examples In-text Citation
In a Newspaper (Print) Randerson, J 2008, ‘Researchers find fish that can count up to four’, The Guardian, 26 February, p. 14.

(Randerson 2008)

Randerson’s (2008) article indicates that …

In a Newspaper (Author not Known) ‘The rich get richer in Malaysia’ 2011, The Star, 4 March, p. 6. It is found that the income gap in Malaysia is increasing (‘The rich get richer in Malaysia’ 2011)
In a Newspaper (Website) Flitton, D 2012, ‘Economics woes hit US defence ambitions’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 4 January, viewed 7 March 2014,

(Flitton 2012)

According to Flitton (2012)…

In a Newspaper (Electronic Database) Randerson, J 2008, ‘Researchers find fish that can count up to four’, The Guardian, 26 February, p. 14, viewed 8 March 2014, Gale Cengage Learning, General Reference Center Gold.

(Randerson 2008)

Randerson’s (2008) research indicates that …


1 Author:

Author’s Surname, Initials Year of Publication, Book title, Edition, Publisher, Place of Publication.

2 to 3 Authors:

Author’s Surname, Initials, Author’s Surname, InitialsAuthor’s Surname, Initials Year of Publication, Book title, Edition, Publisher, Place of Publication.

With Editor:

Editor’s Surname, Initials (ed.) Year of Publication, Book title, Edition, Publisher, Place of Publication.

Source Type Reference List Examples In-text Citation
1 Author Oshima, A 2006, Writing academic English, Pearson Longman, New York.

(Oshima 2006)

Oshima (2006) 

2 to 3 Authors Herrera, SG, Perez, DR & Escamilla, K 2009, Teaching reading to English language learners: differentiating literacies, Pearson, Boston.

(Herrera, Perez & Escamilla 2009)

As stated by Herrera, Perez and Escamilla (2009) ….

4 or More Authors Gilbert, TR, Kirss, RV, Davies, G & Foster, N 2009, Chemistry: the science in context, 2nd edn, W.W. Norton, New York.

(Gilbert et al. 2009)

As concluded by Gilbert et al. (2009) …

With Edition Rogers, T 2013, Conferences and conventions: a global industry, 3rd edn, Routledge, New York.

(Rogers 2013)

Rogers (2013) commented that….

With Editor Stickle, F (ed.) 2012, Adolescent psychology, 8th edn, McGraw-Hill, New York.

(Stickle ed, 2012)

Stickle (ed. 2012)…

Anderson, D & Kuhnheims, JS (eds.) 2003, Cultural studies in the curriculum: teaching Latin America, MLA, New York.

(Anderson & Kuhnheims eds. 2003)

Anderson and Kuhneims (eds. 2003)…

Organization as Author (Corporate Author) National Research Council 2000, Beyond six billion: forecasting the world’s population, National Academy Press, Washington.

(National Research Council 2000)

The National Research Council (2000) argues that…

Government Publication (with Corporate Author) Malaysia, Ministry of Finance 2009, Second economic stimulus package, Ministry of Finance, Putrajaya.

(Malaysia, Ministry of Finance 2009)

Malaysia, Ministry of Finance (2009)

With Multivolume Work Sadie, S & Tyrrell, J (eds) 2004, The Grove dictionary of music and musicians, 2nd edn, vol. 29, Oxford University Press, New York. Sadie & Tyrrell (2004 p.1014) …
Broer, H, Hasselblatt, B & Takens, F (eds.) 2010, Handbook of dynamical systems, vol. 3, Differentiable dynamical systems, Elsevier, Amsterdam.

(Broer, Hasselblatt and Takens (eds. 2010) address issues they view…

Both abstract and concrete definitions are explored (Broer, Hasselblatt & Takens eds. 2010).

In a Series Swales, JM & Feak, CB 2004, Academic writing for graduate students: essential tasks and skills, 2nd edn, Michigan series in English for academic and professional purposes, The University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor.

Swales and Feak (2004) incorporate new research in textual analysis.

Writing critiques helps articulate scholarly expectations (Swales & Feak 2004).

Without Author American heritage guide to contemporary usage and style 2005, Hougton, Boston.

The American heritage guide to contemporary usage and style(2005) indicates that…

(American heritage guide to contemporary usage and style2005)

Use the full title if you have only one in-text citation.
For second or subsequent citations you can abbreviate title.

Book Chapter Peterson, B & Shi, S 2006, ‘Money, price dispersion and welfare’, in G Camera (ed.), Recent developments on money and finance, Springer, Berlin, pp. 197-222.

(Peterson & Shi 2006)

Peterson and Shi (2006) refer to….


Author’s Surname, Initials Year of Publication, Book title. Edition, e-book, Publisher, Place of Publication, viewed date, Name of ebook collection.


Author’s Surname, Initials Year of Publication, Book title. Edition, e-book, Publisher, Place of Publication, viewed date, URL

Source Type Reference List Examples In-text Citation
From Library Database Dent, J 2008, Distribution channels: understanding and managing channels to market, e-book, Kogan Page, London, viewed 6 March 2014, ProQuest Ebook Central.

(Dent 2008)

As identified by Dent (2008)

Publicly Accessible via the Internet Page, SJ & Connell, J 2006, Tourism: a modern synthesis, 2nd edn, e-book, Thomson Learning, London, viewed 6 March 2014, LSNg10i2ajwC&printsec=frontcover&dq=tourism&hl=en&sa

(Page & Connell 2006)

Page and Connell (2006) refer to….



Author Surname, Initials Year of Publication, ‘Title of paper', in Editor (if applicable), [paper presented to the] Title of published proceeding which may include place held and date(s), Publisher, Place of publication, page number(s).


Author Surname, Initials Year of Publication, ‘Title of paper’, Name of conference including place held and dates, page numbers, viewed date, Name of database service or provider, Name of database.

Source Type Reference List Examples In-text Citation
Unpublished in Print  Chang, JI, Yoo, SH & Kwak, J 2004, ‘Measuring the conservation value of the Songji Langoon, with an investigation of preference uncertainty’, paper presented to the Thirteenth Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economics, 25-28 June, Budapest, Hungary. Chang, Yoo and Kwak (2004) argued that…..
Unpublished Available Online Hallam, G, Hiskens, A & Ong, R 2013, ‘Conceptualising the learning organisation: creating a maturity framework to develop a shared understanding of the library’s role in literacy and learning’, paper presented to the Seventy- nine IFLA General Conference and Assembly, 17-23 August 2013, Singapore, viewed 10 March 2014, 

(Hallam, Hiskens & Ong 2013)

Hallam, Hiskens and Ong (2013)…

Published Print Ara, P 2000,The realization problem for Von Neumann regular rings’, in H Marubayashi, K Masaike, K Oshiro & M Sato (eds), Ring theory 2007: proceedings of the fifth China-Japan-Korea conference, Tokyo, Japan, 10-15- September 2007, World Scientific, Hackensack NJ, pp. 21-37.

(Ara 2000)

Ara (2000)…

Published and from Database Fan, W, Gordon, MD & Pathak, P 2000, ‘Personalization of search engine services for effective retrieval and knowledge management’,  Proceedings of the twenty first international conference on information systems, Brisbane, Australia, 10-13 December 2000, pp. 20-34, viewed 2 January 2014, Association for Computing Machinery, ACM Digital Library.

(Fan, Gordon & Pathak 2000)

Fan, Gordon and Pathak (2000)…


Author Surname, Initials Year of Publication, Report title, viewed date, Name of database service or provider, Name of database.

If no author is mentioned, use title as author.

Source Type Reference List Examples In-text Citation
From Databases Burgio-Ficca, C 2013, IBISWorld Industry Report G4241. Sport and camping equipment retailing in Australia, viewed 7 March 2014, IBISWorld. As Burgio-Ficca (2013) reports….
'DATAMONITOR: Drinks MarketWatch' 2011, Marketwatch: Drinks, vol. 10, no. 9, pp. 1-28, viewed 2 March 2013, EBSCOhost, Business Source Complete. (Datamonitor 2011)
DATAMONITOR 2010, Rio Tinto SWOT analysis, viewed 3 February 2014, EBSCOhost, Business Source Complete. (Datamonitor 2010)



Author’s Surname, Initials Year of submission, Title of thesis’, Degree Awarded, Name of University Awarding Degree.


Author’s Surname, Initials Year of submission, ‘Title of thesis’, Degree Awarded, Name of University Awarding Degree,  viewed date, Name of database service or provider, Name of database.

Source Type Reference List Examples In-text Citation
Unpublished, Print Lim, TS 2012, ‘14th century Singapore: the Temasek paradigm’, Master thesis, National University of Singapore. (Lim 2012)

Lim (2012)…
Barnes, DL 2000, ‘An investigation into the process of formation of operations strategy by small manufacturing companies’, PhD thesis, Staffordshire University. (Barnes 2000)

Barnes (2000)…
Published May, B 2007, A survey of radial velocities in the zodiacal dust cloud, Canopus Publishing, Bristol UK. (May 2007)

May (2007)
From a Database Saccone, GM 2000, ‘History as rhetoric in Hobbes’ dialogue of the Common Laws and the rise of modern philosophy’, Master thesis, University of Hong Kong, viewed 10 March 2014, The University of Hong Kong, The HKU Scholars Hub.

(Saccone 2000)

Saccone (2000)…

On the Web Brown, J 2004, ‘Going solo: the experience of learning Russian in a non-traditional environment’, PhD thesis, The Ohio State University, viewed 10 March 2014,

(Brown 2004)

Brown (2004)…



Author’s Surname, Initials Year of Publication, ‘Title of entry or article’, in  – Initials Surname with (ed.) or (eds.), Title of Encyclopedia, Series title and/or volume – if available, Edition – if not the first, Publisher, Place of Publication, page number.


Author’s Surname, Initials Year of Publication, ‘Title of entry or article’, Title of Encyclopedia, Publisher, Place of Publication, Name of database service or provider, Name of database.


Artist’s Surname, Initial Year created, Title, Medium (Painting, Photo etc.), Name of sponsor site, place of sponsor site if available, view date, URL

Source Type Reference List Examples In-text Citation
With Named Author
Ayman, R 2004, ‘Leadership and culture’, in CD Spielberger (ed.), Encyclopedia of applied psychology, vol. 3,  Elsevier Academic Press, Amsterdam, pp. 507-517.

(Ayman  2004)

Ayman (2004)

With Named Author
Mann, ME & Selin, H 2014, ‘Global warming’, in Encyclopedia Britannica Online, viewed 10 March 2014,   ed/topic/235402/globalwarming

(Mann & Selin 2014)

Mann and Selin (2014)..

With Named Author
(from Database)
Gordon, M 2006 'Physician-assisted suicide' in R Schulz, LS Noelker, K Rockwood & RL Sprott (eds.), The Encyclopedia of Aging, 4th edn,  Springer Publishing Company, New York, Viewed 7 April 2014, Credo Reference.

(Gordon 2006)

Gordon (2006) described….

No Author (Print) No entry in the reference list is required if the publication is well known. The relationship between nutrition and health is summarized succinctly in The Chambers encyclopedia (2001, p. 494-540)
No Author (Online) No entry in the reference list is required if the publication is well known. The career of De Kooning is briefly described in Encyclopedia Britannica Online.
Dictionary Definition (Print) No entry in the reference list is required if the publication is well known. The Dictionary of world religions (1997, p.298) provides a historical background to beliefs in dragons.
Dictionary Definition (Online, No Author) No entry in the reference list is required if the publication is well known. Oxford dictionaries defines `aporia’ as ….


Title of program Year of distribution, type of recording i.e. videorecording, television program, motion picture, DVD and etc., Producer, Place of publication.

Source Type Reference List Examples In-text Citation
Film, DVD, and Video The music man 2009, Motion picture, Warner Home Video, Pyrmont, NSW. (The music man 2009)
Despicable me 2 2013, Motion picture, Universal Studios, Universal City, CA. (Despicable me 2 2013)



Author’s Surname, Initials Year of Publication, Book title, Edition, Publisher, Place of Publication.


Artist’s Surname, Initial Year created, Title, Medium (Painting, Photo etc.), view date, Name of database service or provider, Name of database.


Artist’s Surname, Initial Year created, Title, Medium (Painting, Photo etc.), Name of sponsor site, place of sponsor site if available, view date, URL

Source Type Reference List Examples In-text Citation
Image/Photograph/Artwork from a Book Sullivan, M 1989, The meeting of Eastern and Western art, Rev. edn, University of California Press, Berkeley, CA. Elements of European style painting is clearly shown in works like  Young European woman by Hiraga Gennai (Sullivan 1989, p. 17).
Photography, Painting or Sculpture
(Retrieved from Subscribed Database)
Hopper, E 1914, Soir bleu, Painting, viewed 11 March 2011, EBSCOhost, Art Museum Image Gallery.

(Hopper 1914)

Hopper (1914)

Visual Arts on the Web
(with Known Creator)
Currin, J 2001, Blond angel, Painting, Indianapolis Museum of Art, Indiana, viewed 11 March 2014,
As can be seen from Currin’s painting Blond angel (2001)
Visual Arts on the Web
(with Unknown Creator)
‘A litter of puppies’ 2012, Photograph, Choosing a puppy, RSPCA, Deakin West, Australia viewed 18 October 2012, As shown in this image, dogs from the same litter can have quite different markings ('A litter of puppies' 2012)...



Name of interviewees – Surname, Initials Year of interview, Interviewed by Name of Interviewer and Date, Place of interview. [Recording in possession of author]

Which You have Conducted:

Name of interviewees – Surname, Initials Year of interview, Title of the interview, [interview], Date on which the interview was held.

Source Type Reference List Examples In-text Citation
Recorded Hatton, A 2008, Interviewed by B Brown on 15 April 2008, Stoke on Trent. [Recording in possession of author].

(Hatton 2008)

…. as noted by Hatton (2008)

Which You have Conducted Mathieson, A 2004, The provision of information to prisoners in Scotland [interview], 25 June. (Mathieson 2004)


Information obtained by interview, telephone call, letter or email should be documented in the text, but should NOT be included in the list of references.

Source Type Reference List Examples In-text Citation
Telephone Call, Letter, Interview or Email No entry in the reference list is required.

When interviewed on 15 June 2013, Dr Peter Jones explained that…


This was later verbally confirmed (P Jones 2013, pers.comm., 15 June).


Author, Initials Year, Title of podcast/vodcast, Medium, Day month uploaded, Organization/Website, viewed date, URL

Where the author’s name is not evident, start with the title.

Source Type Reference List Examples In-text Citation
Audio Podcast Delaney, A 2013, Digital living: typefaces, Podcast, 3 July, ABC Riverina, viewed 26 August 2013,

(Delaney 2013)

Where the author's name is not evident, use the title.

Vodcast Australian Broadcasting Corporation 2013, IPCC faces criticism ahead of report's release, Vodcast, 26 September, 7.30 Vodcast, viewed 30 September 2013,

(Australian Broadcasting Corporation 2013)

Where the author's name is not evident, use the title.


In Reference List include only the book you actually used (not the source cited in the book you used).

Source Type Reference List Examples In-text Citation
When You Cite an Author who Refers to or Quotes Another Author Stuart, S 2014, Web metrics for library and information professionals, Facet Publishing, London. Stuart (2014, p.26) indicated that Eysenbach (2011) has shown that Twitter mentions are an early indicator of citations.


Author Surname, Initials Year of Publication, Title of the slides, PowerPoint presentation, Education Institution, viewed date, URL

Source Type Reference List Examples In-text Citation
Power Point Presentation Embedded in Moodle or Website Aguilar, F 2001, Polyethylene biodigesters: production of biogas and organic fertiliser from animal manure, PowerPoint presentation, University of Adelaide, viewed 4 June 2005, poly_digester/aguilar/index.htm Aguilar (2001) has shown that……..


Blog Post:

Named owner of the Blog or Username – Surname, Initials Year of posting, ‘Title of individual blog entry’, Blog site title, Medium, Blog posting date, viewed date, URL


Author, Initials Year of posting, ‘First words of post..’, Account Name, Medium, Date of posting update, viewed date, URL


Author, Initials Year of posting, ‘First words of post..’, Account Name, Medium, Date of posting update, viewed date, <URL>


Title of Item Year uploaded, added by Name of uploader, Online video, viewed date, URL

Wikipedia Article/Wiki Article:

Wiki articles are usually generated by many users and may not have named author(s)

‘Article title’, Wikipedia/Wiki title, Medium, Publication date/Date of last modification, viewed date, URL

Source Type Reference List Examples In-text Citation
Blog Post Batts, S 2007, ‘Antioxidants in berries increased by ethanol (but are daiquiris healthy?)’,, Web blog, 24 April, viewed 11 March 2014,

(Batts 2007)

As can be seen in Batts (2007) results.

Facebook Australian Copyright Council 2013, ‘High Court of Australian to make available….’, Australian Copyright Council, Facebook, 13 September, viewed 11 March 2014, (Australian Copyright Council 2013)
Twitter Young, S 2012, ‘Over half of Australian with disabilities…’, Stella Young, Twitter, 15 May, viewed 20 May 2012,

(Young 2012)

Young (2012)…

YouTube Google Privacy: A Look at Cookies 2008, added by googleprivacy, Online video, viewed 12 June , (GooglePrivacy: a look at cookies 2008)
Wikipedia Article/Wiki Article 'Russian revolution'Wikipedia, Wiki article, 13 May 2013, viewed 15 May 2013, (Russian revolution  2013)
'Climate change'Bioenergy Wiki, Wiki article, 5 January 2013, viewed 10 March 2013, (Climate change 2013)
  • An image, diagram or visual included in your text is referred to as a Figure. Figures should be numbered sequentially and labelled with a caption below the figure.
  • A table, data or some columns of data from a table is referred to as a Table. Tables should be numbered sequentially and labelled with a caption above the table.


Printed Book:

Author’s Surname, Initials Year of Publication, Book title, Edition, Publisher, Place of Publication.

Printed Journal Article:

Author Surname, Initials Year of Publication, ‘Title of article’, Title of Journal (capitalize each unique word), Volume number, issue number, page numbers.


Name of Corporation/Author – Surname, Initials, n.d.  Article title/Title of webpage, Website name or organization, viewed date, URL

Source Type Reference List Examples In-text Citation
From a Print Book

Pardew, L  2004, Game art for teens, Course Technology, Boston.

Figure 3: Maya’s animation controls
(Source: Pardew 2004, p. 242)

Maya’s animation controls are is well illustrated in Pardew  (2004, p.242).
From a Print Journal Article

Hendler, I, Goldenberg, RL, Mercer, BM, Iams, JD, Meis, PJ, Moawad, AH, MacPherson, CA 2005, ‘The preterm prediction study: association between maternal body mass index (BMI) and spontaneous preterm birth’, American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, vol. 192, no. 3, pp 882–86.

Figure 4: Comparison of spontaneous and indicated preterm birth by maternal body-mass index (BMI)
(Adapted from: Hendler et al  2005)

Use “Adapted from” if table/ figure has been modified or data has been extracted from source.

As can be seen from Figure 4 BMI is associated with a high risk of spontaneous preterm birth, whereas obesity can be protective (Hendler et al 2005).
From the Web

Bank Negara Malaysia 2014, BNM statement of assets& liabilities, viewed 29 June 2014,

Table 1: BNM Statement of Assets & Liabilities as at 13 June 2014 

(Source: Bank Negara Malaysia 2014)

From Table 1 (Bank Negara Malaysia 2014) one can conclude that the assets and liabilities of the Central Bank ……..


Radio/TV Programme:

Title of programme Year of broadcast, Type of recording, Broadcaster, Place, Date of Broadcast/televised.


Title of programme Year of broadcast, Type of recording, Organizaton/website, Place, day month uploaded, viewed date, URL

Source Type Reference List Examples In-text Citation
Radio Programme Hindsight 2006, Radio program, ABC National Radio, Melbourne, 31 August. (Hindsight 2006)
Television Programme More than enough rope 2008, Television program, ABC 1, Sydney, 21 April. (More than enough rope 2008)
Television Programme Online The winds of change, four corners 2008, Television program, Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Sydney, 17 March, viewed 26 October2009, (The winds of change, four corners 2008)


Web page

Author – Surname, Initials Year, 'Article title/Title of webpage', Website name or organization, viewed date, URL

Source Type Reference List Examples In-text Citation
Web Page Burnside, S 2013, 'How Twiggy took on the miners - and lost', Crikey, viewed 30 September 2013,

(Burnside 2011).

Burnside (2011)…

Web Page, No Author 'Philip Phillips wins American Idol' 2012, Rolling Stone, viewed 15 May 2012, (Philip Phillips wins American Idol 2012).
Web Page, No Date Victoria. State Government, n.d. 'Allergies, Better Health Channel', viewed 14 May 2012, The Better Health Channel reports ... (Victoria. State Government n.d.).
Website No reference list entry is required.

Service Skills Australia is an organisation that supports skills development (

Include web address in in-text citation.

Government Publication (Online with Corporate Author)

Malaysia, Ministry of Finance Malaysia 2009, 'Second economic stimulus package', Ministry of Finance Malaysia, viewed 11 March 2014,

(Malaysia, Ministry of Finance 2009)

List entries in alphabetical order by the author’s last name, using letter –by- letter. If the author’s name is not known, alphabetize by the title.

National Research Council 2000, Beyond six billion: forecasting the world’s population, National Academy Press, Washington.


Rogers, T 2013, Conferences and conventions: a global industry, 3rd edn, Routledge, New York.


Sachs, JD 2013a, 'On the economy, think long-term', New York Times, 1 April,  p. A19, viewed 30 June 2014,


--- (2013b), 'The role of universities in sustainable development', Chronicle of Higher Education, 26 October, p.2-3, viewed 30 June 2014,


‘Where angels no longer fear to tread’ 2008, The Economist, 19 March, viewed 7 March 2014,


WP/085 Issue 2    12 Oct 2022