The Harvard citation style does not have source document listing out how the various types of sources are to be cited in the Reference List. This guide is based on a wide range of Harvard guides available online.

To view how sources are cited in Harvard style, you may click on the tabs to know more.


  • Acknowledging sources of information in a standardised method.
  • Full details of the source must be given.
  • All information sources used in your assignment must be acknowledged.
  • To show that your work can be substantiated with facts.
  • To acknowledge the works of others.
  • To allow others to identify and retrieve the references.
  • If you do not acknowledge the sources uses, you will be guilty of plagiarism and disciplinary action may be taken against you.
  • Quoting, i.e. directly copying the words of another.
  • Paraphrasing, i.e. putting the ideas of another in your own words.
  • Summarising, i.e. putting the main ideas of another in your own words.

1. In-text, i.e. in the text of your essay identifying the author surname only (i.e. last name) and page number with parenthesis.


2. Reference list, corresponding entry with full publication details. Entries are in alphabetical order. 

Downloadable Guide

 Harvard Referencing Style Abridged 

Printed copies are also available at the Help Desk.

Harvard Referencing Style Resources

WP/085 Issue 2    12 Oct 2022